Here’s a sample of evaluation projects I’ve been working on:
2011-2015 TAACCCT Grant: Tribal College Consortium DeMaND
2011-2014 Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge: Upper Missourit TERM Project
2011-2015 Department of Education: UTTC Carl Perkins Grant
2013-2018 TAACCCT Grant: North Wyoming Community College District Pathway to Success
2014-2019 National Science Foundation: FPCC Eci Project
2014-2015 TAACCCT Grant: Wyoming Community College Coalition Project Summative Evaluation
2014-2015 National Science Foundation: United Tribes Native Technician for the Environment
2015-2017 Department of Education: Wo’kinihan Summer Science Academy
We’ve written many successful grants, here’s just a selected sample of a few grants:
Department of Education Title VII: Lakota-English Acquisition Project (1999)
This project funded a bilingual education program for American Indian children at the pre-school level and was the only one of its kind at the time.
National Science Foundation: United Tribes Pathway to Success (2003)
This project was instrumental in UTTC expanding its STEM offerings to include more advanced math and science courses as well as build its Environmental Science program.
Department of Education Title VII: Plains Alliance for Bilingual Education (2004)
This project helped United Tribes Technical College offer its first bachelor level teacher education program through a partnership with Sinte Gleska University and Texas A&M University-Kingsville.
Department of Education Title III: Tribal College Model for Educational Outreach (2007)
This project helped UTTC expand its online education program.
Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration: DeMaND (2011)
The Tribal College Consortium for Developing Montana and North Dakota (DeMaND) Workforce project is a TAACCCT grant. It is a consortium of four tribal colleges that addresses critical workforce shortages in the area while providing relevant training for communities with high unemployment and poverty.
Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge: Upper Missourit TERM Project (2011)
The Upper Missouri Tribal Environmental Risk Mitigation (Upper Missouri TERM) Project coordinates resources from three separate federal agencies: Economic Development Administration (EDA), Department of Commerce; Employment Training Administration (ETA), Department of Labor; and Small Business Administration (SBA).
Department of Education Office of Vocational and Adult Education: FPCC NACTEP (2013)
This project supported several career and technical education programs for two years at Fort Peck Community College. 2013 National Science Foundation: FPCC Eci Project $2,500,000 The funds from this five-year project support the development of engineering programs at Fort Peck Community College.
Institute of Education Sciences: North Dakota SLDS Data Utilization Project (2015)
This is a four year project that provides training and tools for teachers to better use data in teaching, assists in retention and promotes career advisement for students in North Dakota colleges, and aligns workforce development with workforce demand in the state.
I am also a successful grant writer. Over the past 10 years, I have worked with various organizations and have helped to procure well over $50 million in federal and other grant funds. Click here to see a selection of grants I’ve written and projects I’ve been working on…